Queen Street, 1880

Looking south along Queen Street, Brisbane, c 1880

Taken from The Telegraph, Friday 24 September 1880:


A remarkable accident of a serious nature occurred in Queen-street yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hutchinson, an operator at Matthewson's photographic gallery, was crossing Queen-street, when he passed close to the head pair of a team of bullocks standing, we understand, quite unattended in from of Messrs. Tait and Co.'s store ; as Mr. Hutchinson was in the act of passing the near side leading bullock, the off side leader charged him, and the animal's horn entered the fleshy part of the left arm, which was ripped open down to the elbow joint, and nearly passing completely through the arm.

The bullock then turned and tossed the injured man over his back, and carrying him along some feet, with the horn continuing to tear his flesh badly. Hutchinson had sufficient presence of mind to lay his other hand on the near side leader's back, and was thus enabled to lift himself off the other beast's horn. He then fell to the ground, and, recovering himself, was enabled, with the help of two gentlemen, to walk to the shop of Messrs. Potts and Berkley, chemists, where, after a time, his wounds were attended to by Dr. Rendle. The sufferer proceeded thence to his residence on Spring hill, and his is now progressing favourably.

Then and now...

Queen Street featuring horses and carriages

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