The collections API allows you to programatically access all the information that is available on this site, so you can re-use all of the content and images under the Creative Commons license.

There are two APIs which can used to access the collection:

  • Full list of titles API. Use this RESTful API to gain an ID (nid), which you can pass to access a specific result from the Specific location API.
  • Specific location API. Pass an nid (which can be obtained from the Full list of titles API) to access all data about a specific location.

Full list of titles API: http://mstrong.info/qsatwig/historic-list-items-json - (to obtain a nid).

Specific location API: http://mstrong.info/qsatwig/historic-list-single-json?nid=X


Note: you need to register an account to access the API.

Register for an API access account